Monday, May 12, 2008

(: !

Hello people!
So tired now.
Just took a coldcold shower ):

So fun today uh! ><
We went to watch WhatHappensInVegas?
Thats so funny! ;D
Though, its quite..
Hahha, Michael loved it (:

Then after that, we went to cycling.
With 2/6 & 2/9 people.
Hahhaa, fun too! (:
People who got hurt.. =x
1) Lixuan *who made he han fell too*
2) He han *victim and beginner in cycling*
3) Karkheng *rode vanessa and fell*
4) Vanessa *victim and beginner too*
5) Liangxian *rollerbladed & fell. awww.*

Wakakkas! Im so safe uh!
Never get hurt (:
My follower a.k.a Bitch too!
Never get hurt, cause i rode her.

Im going to eat now.
Byebye! (:


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